Flexibility: The One Benefit Every Generation Looks For



Empower Employees By Recognizing Their Strengths!

Bridging generational gaps is top of mind for many businesses. Keeping employees of different ages and life stages engaged and productive has few one-size-fits-all solutions. How do you keep such a diverse workforce happy? While there are many differences in the needs and preferences among those in this multigenerational workplace, flexibility is one perk universally valued across generations.

Why does flexibility rank so highly among desirable benefits across all generations? The answer is simple. Almost everyone experiences the need for work-life balance, but their reasons are varied.

Here's how flexibility benefits each generation:

Baby Boomers appreciate flexibility because it provides opportunities to care for family members, gradually transition into retirement, or manage health issues. Workers in their sixties and seventies may have a spouse who has already retired. Job flexibility can free them to spend more time with them.

Generation X often needs to juggle the family needs. They may need to manage the care of aging parents when their nest is not yet empty. Their careers are still a priority despite these competing demands for their attention. Customizing their schedule can ensure they don't miss a step at work.

Millennials are driven by a desire for work-life integration. They are at the peak of their careers - or heading there - often at a time when childcare is at the top of their minds. They value the ability to work from anywhere and at times that work best for their preferred lifestyle.

Generation Z is entering the workforce with a digital-first mindset. They know work doesn't have to mean sitting at a desk from nine to five. They are tech-savvy enough to get more done on a smartphone than their elder peers do on a state-of-the-art desktop. They value autonomy in choosing work patterns to suit their technologically integrated lives.

For every generation, the ability to adapt to life's demands and work when they are at their best can help companies attract and retain the best talent.

Is Your Organization Prepared to Offer the Flexibility Workers of All Ages Crave?

It's one thing to understand the value of flexibility; it's another to provide it consistently. Failing to adapt to the needs of today's workforce could risk losing your best employees. Can you give the people what they want while retaining the ability to adapt quickly to changing demands, manage unexpected shifts, and maintain productivity?

PrideStaff Can Help

We provide temporary, part-time, or contract workers who can step in during peak seasons, cover leaves of absence, or offer specialized skills on a project basis. Each candidate we present is well-qualified and ready to contribute to your company's success. To learn how you can add more flexibility to your workforce, contact your local PrideStaff office today.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Fresno