Job Interviews by Telephone: How to Get Ready
Job Interviews by Telephone: How to Get Ready

The Lost Art of Face to Face Communication More and more companies and organizations use telephone job interviews to screen candidates. Being successful at this type of interview requires focus and specific strategies. Learn how to prepare and excel at this kind of interview.

What's a Phone Interview All About?

Learning that you have a job interview by phone is exciting news; it means you have set yourself apart from the majority of applicants who applied for the position. If you play your cards right during this phone call, you can move on to the next stage of the recruitment process or even land a job offer. This kind of job interview requires some unique preparation and planning. By preparing, selecting the right location and understanding the dynamics of the phone conversation, you will be prepared to handle yourself well in the interview. Most people also find that preparing thoroughly for an interview reduces anxiety and stress.

Preparation is the Key

Preparing for a job interview requires planning and research. If possible, schedule your phone interview (or virtual interview), so that you will have a day or two to prepare properly. While preparation is important, don't delay the interview too long or the company may get the impression that you are no longer interested in the position. Location, Location, Location

The importance of choosing the right location for this type of interview is easy to overlook. If you choose the wrong location, the conversation will be difficult to hear and distractions are likely to come up. In most cases, the best place to have this type of phone conversation is your home. If you cannot hold your phone call at home, consider booking a meeting room at a library. Telephone Interview vs. In-person Interview

The traditional in-person job interview is a social situation well understood by most people. It is important to dress well for job interviews and project a professional image. In-person interviews sometimes let you see the company's office and get to know some of your potential co-workers face to face. In contrast, a phone call offers less opportunity for you to see the company. Despite these disadvantages, keep in mind the following tips to succeed during the call:
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