How to Reignite Your Job Search
How to Reignite Your Job Search

Worst Interview ExperiencesA job search is almost always a daunting task, and the economy over the past few years hasn't helped. In fact, the government had to create a new term, "discouraged worker," to classify the thousands of people who are eligible for employment and able to work, but are currently unemployed and have stopped looking for a job in the previous four weeks. Discouraged workers have usually given up on the job search because they've found no suitable employment options or have had no success when applying.

Don't Be a Discouraged Worker
If you feel yourself falling into this category, pull yourself out. Remember that you are not powerless and can be in more control than you think is possible.

It's time to make sure your mental focus is clutter-free and fully engaged in getting a good job. Clarity in your job search comes from shutting out all of the negatives, the "I can'ts," the "what ifs" and the "if onlys." Replace them with "I can, I will and I'll do it soon." Keep both your thinking and the area where you work on your job search--your office, your desk, your kitchen table--clutter free so new thinking can enter and your enthusiasm can be reignited.

A Positive State of Mind – When you're focused, new opportunities will emerge as your clarity and enthusiasm grow. When one job does not work out, adopt the attitude that others will come along, and soon. Avoid the gloom and doom pronouncements of the 24 hours a day news cycle, and eliminate negative people in your life who discourage you. And when you're feeling really down, make sure to take a few minutes each day to be grateful for who you are, the talents and skills you have and the opportunities that are coming your way.

Connections and Engagement – Include everyone in your job search and continually expand your contact database. When job searching, there is no better alternative for connecting with people than one on one. Join local organizations whose members could be a potential employer. Get connected via social media and stay connected. Do not isolate yourself! Stay in regular contact with past employment colleagues. Ask friends and neighbors for help--they are all connected to someone that might know of a job opportunity that may not otherwise come to your attention. And while you're making and maintaining your contacts, create and practice your "elevator speech," which you can use anytime someone asks, "What do you do and what type of job are you hoping to find?"

Routine – Create a job search schedule and stay with it. Searching for a job is your job! Treat job hunting like any other job and schedule specific hours to work on it.
Career Enhancement Opportunities – Improve your searching skills by reading career books and attending seminars. Take advantage of learning opportunities to improve your job search and career management skills offered by local business groups and the government. By pursuing professional development and participating in classes, seminars, certifications and conferences, you'll keep your interactive skills sharp, increase your employable value by staying current and expand your connections.

Technology is Your Best Friend – It's critical in today's marketplace to utilize websites and social media to connect with your industry as well as build personal visibility. Create or update your online profiles and check sites like LinkedIn and company Twitter feeds regularly. This may be a harder step for anyone over 45, but the Internet and social media sites are the fastest way to connect.

Tangible Results – In a down economy you can't ask, "What's in it for me," but rather, "What can I do to help a potential employer?" This means that you need to be able to identify a potential employer's most pressing needs and challenges--then explain how you can successfully address those issues based on your past experience and education. It's all about fulfilling a need they have, not what you want. So shift your thinking from an "about me" to an "about them" attitude--keeping clarity on this perspective will set the right tone to reignite your job search.

Draw on Inner Strength – Don't face your job search alone. Look to supportive and encouraging friends, family members and your religious leaders to help get you through difficult times. Words of encouragement will help you maintain a calmness and clarity during the process.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Fresno